
Regain Your Energy, Body, and Peace

In Just 5 Weeks

with National Leader and Integrative Medicine Health Expert

J. David Forbes, MD, ABoIM

Sign up today for a 45% discount! 

(see below)

In 5 weeks you will have guaranteed success in all the Key Five Elements of health or your money back!

The Class:


  • Access to Dr. Forbes through a 2-hour Live Zoom Call once per week for 5 weeks for guidance and support.
  • Access to 50+ hours of Video Trainings comprehensively covering all Five Key Elements of Health
  • Daily Support Emails right to your inbox!
  • Access to a Community Online Forum for Support and Staying on Track
  • Access to Guided Meditations with Dr. Forbes for centeredness, groundedness, and peace
  • Actionable Steps every week to see real change in real time


We will tackle one of the Key Elements each week.  We will cover such topics as:

  • The Diet Wars:  The Core Elements of what works and what doesn't, backed up by solid scientific evidence
  • The latest findings on Exercise and Movement and how we can engage it much more easily!
  • The importance of sleep, rhythm, and rest and how we can take workable, actionable steps to get it where it needs to be!
  • The internal (and external) stress obstacles that tend to keep us from achieving our goals (such as these Key Elements!).  Worry, anxiety, chronic fear, depression, shame, guilt, catastrophizing, relationship issues.  
  • Our deep need for support and connectedness.  How we find and cultivate it in ourselves, with others, and with the larger world around us. 

And many, many more!

So, Join Us!


Don't Keep Putting Off Finally Feeling Better!

Get Your Body Back.  Find Your Vitality and Joy. Come Alive Again!




Thursday nights at 6pm Central time

Starting  Thurs April 4, 2024

(8pm Eastern, 6pm Mountain, 5pm Pacific)

Don't worry if the weekly time for the Class doesn't always work for you

If you miss the class you will always have access to the replay

Hear Dr. BN's Testimonial

"As I went through this incredible, multi-faceted program, I was blown away by both the comprehensiveness AND the simplicity and straightforwardness of Dr. Forbes’ approach.
I found it to be not only a tremendous addition to, and synopsis of, my 30+ years of recovery and spiritual retreats, but also a practical and expansive toolbox for future growth. 
It was organized and presented in such a way that I looked forward to each day’s meditation and lesson, and I was amazed at how much I got from them in just a few minutes a day. 
The Five Pilars/Foundations approach provides a unique way of simultaneously addressing and improving on the major aspects of both our physical and emotional health. 
Not only was I FINALLY able to establish an enjoyable and meaningful daily meditation practice, but I feel more centered, energized, and healthy than I’ve ever felt. I also lost weight without ever really sacrificing or feeling deprived!!
The extensive library of resources, techniques, and videos included in the course are invaluable, and having direct access to Dr. Forbes in live sessions provides opportunities to personalize the self-pace program to each individual. Having the combination of all these facets makes the course truly unique and meaningful. 
Considering that the cost of the entire course is less than a single typical retreat or series of counseling sessions makes this course a no-brainer. To have unlimited access to the entire program and outside resources is a rare opportunity to continually bring back to mind and heart all the wonderful lessons that we tend to forget as we go about our daily lives. 
Thank you, Dr. Forbes for giving us such invaluable tools and workable ways to ‘remember not to forget’ such life changing and affirming lessons."
Dr. B. N.
Live Sessions with Dr. Forbes

This course includes live, interactive group Zoom calls with Dr. Forbes every week to ask questions, receive support, and further your health journey. It also includes access to a Course Community Forum, to help you connect with others trying to better their health.

Daily Focused Lessons

Focused video lessons for every day in all the critical arenas of your life and health to move you to truly feeling better quickly. These lessons focus on overcoming underlying obstacles such as stress, difficulties with making change, needs for support, movement/exercise, sleep, and connection.

Daily Meditations

Daily Centering Meditations to establish connection with yourself, the key foundational element for all change.

In total, over 10 hours live with Dr. Forbes for questions, guidance and support

Over 50 hours of videos to guide through every step and key teaching

Daily Support and Daily Meditations

A package valued at $1499

All for just $299.

Sign up now and get the Course

for only

$299 $160  (a 46% savings!!!)

Who is the MasterClass For?

This MasterClass is for you if you want to know:

  • The Secret Guide Equation for Health
  • Why your New Year's Resolutions never seem to stick
  • Why you keep trying to make changes but feel like you so often fail
  • What the secret is for making real changes that last
  • How to make small changes that impact multiple areas of your life
  • Why you struggle with  low energy, food issues, difficulty with exercise, poor sleep, high stress, feelings of isolation
  • How to regain more energy, more peace and calm, more sense of connection with yourself and others, more peace in your relationships, less body pain, better rest

This MasterClass is NOT for you if you:

  • Like exactly where you are
  • Think that willpower and "white-knuckling" are the ways to fix the problems in your life
  • Want "quick fix tricks" that you won't be using in 6 months
  • Already have great relationship with diet, exercise, sleep, stress and connection

Haven't you waited long enough to take that big, needed step?